If you are wishing to make an impact and get approached by numerous customers at your next show, Exponents is at your aid offering show-stopping trade show booth rentals in Italy.
The best thing about choosing us as your trade show booth design company in Italy is that we will not only design your booth rental but also handle every single aspect of your booth.
Your booth graphics, paperwork, on-site supervisor, booth assembly & dismantle, shipping your booth to the fairgrounds will be handled by our in-house staff.
We ensure you have a trouble-free show in Italy, thanks to our project manager, who will be your single-point-of-contact throughout the show. All in all, our experienced in-house team are proficient at their work and will make sure your show is a smashing success. Expo Exhibition Stands is our fully owned subsidiary, who will be assisting you for your trade show booth rental in Italy.