How LinkedIn Can Help You Drive Engagement Before the Event?
All your attention is directed towards the upcoming trade show event and there are still many tasks to complete. You have to increase the list of your attendees, promote your brand and create value.
So, what should be an exact framework that must be deployed to accomplish your goals? Well, the answer is really simple and in front of you.
A social media platform that essentially works to build professional networks to discover new individuals, engage in conversations and engage with them to fix more and more meetings with diverse communities of professionals hailing from B2B and B2C segments.
In order to generate leads for your business development, you need to follow a systematic approach while you access these professionals on LinkedIn.
A proper study has to be made for the same and you need to prepare yourself beforehand to know that how exactly you are going to extract leads out of your LinkedIn ventures.
We have endeavored to put in picture the complete set of activities that are required to create a strong base of customers via LinkedIn.
Making a List of Your Prospective Customers
You must have a clear-cut picture of the number of trade show attendees that are going to attend your booth stand. The main rule of business on LinkedIn is “Look Before You Leap”.
A fine knowledge of the visitors enables you to separate them in B2B and B2C brackets and once you sort out the list, you can start to approach targeted clients with the particular approach in mind as per the industry vertical.
When it comes to B2B marketing, your team must be prepared before jumping the bandwagon considering the scale of your marketing schemes.
Correct Way to Target the Potential B2B Customers on LinkedIn
Approach B2B marketing strategy with the clear identification of the sections of the business representatives that you have to get in touch to increase your brand awareness in their minds, and consequently being able to develop a constructive platform to generate leads with the same.
For the purpose to contact the desired persons, the trade show event management staff generates a list of members that function as a source generate interest in the minds of the companies towards a particular brand.
These can include a flock of influencers, bloggers and journalists that are involved in the promotional activities with regard to the trade show event.
1.Introduce Your Brand to the Influencers
These influencers are necessarily not the leads themselves, but they have a great following of top-leading brands that you have to reach to.
Connect with these influencers over LinkedIn, like their posts, introduce your brand, inform them about your trade show participation and invite them to visit your trade show exhibit.
You must provide them with a unique offer such as a demo of your products or services, free samples or an invitation for a fun activity at your office.
Do not go overboard with your approach as you don’t want to be seen as desperate for your brand promotion. Moving ahead gradually with your marketing strategy would certainly reap rich rewards.
2. Approach Business Head of Companies
Once you get the required recognition from an influencer, they start promoting your brand in their circles and the speed to enhance your brand visibility picks up the pace commendably well.
You would be amazed to know about the quantum of trade show participants that seek to get involved in constructive communication engagement with the booth owners.
Follow these marketing heads on LinkedIn and suggest your best trade solutions to them via stories, videos or even tagging them on your post of recent business developments.
You must secure a base to initiate interaction with these professionals as only continuous follow-ups would turn out to be advantageous for your team.
Invite these professionals to your booth and give them the reasons why they must choose your brand over others by stating your brand achievements and goals and how they prove to be beneficial for their business development.
Create a buzz on LinkedIn by posting all the updates about your trade show participation and how it is going to be one of the best display stands at the event.
3. Gain the Trust of Opinion Leaders
Your tasks of generating leads via LinkedIn doesn’t end with approaching the marketing heads or the so-called “GateKeepers”.
It has been rightly said that there is absolutely no time for revolving doors, meaning that you are supposed to open the doors, not just knock on them.
In the marketing context, this asserts that you must win over the confidence of the opinion leaders that work as counselors, financial advisors, and strategists to these business professionals. To gain their trust is what is the key to getting the requisite business lead.
Once you showcase your unique selling proposition to these advisors and gain their trust, you are half way there to ascertain the presence of the customers at your booth.
There is absolutely no need to pitch sales to these opinion leaders. Simply put forth your ideas in a cursory sense, list your achievements and highlight the key features of your brand profile, and ask for an appointment to meet them in person prior to the trade show event.
Provide them with the best options that only your brand would be able to cater to than the competitors. Once you take the advisors in confidence, you are sure to add another probable lead in your kitty and the prospects of creating business relations with them at a later stage.
Get Access to the B2C Clients by Following the Right Steps
As you may well know, these are times of high-level competition and you need to stay ahead in the game if you seek to accrue maximum audience at your trade show booth.
LinkedIn plays a decisive role when it comes to B2C networking as a publicity conducted by the word of mouth is also decisive for augmenting your brand value proposition.
LinkedIn is an effective tool to engage the potential customers as it enables you to meet the interested customers that have been following your profile and looking to find further information from your end.
Share your business content with these potential customers on LinkedIn, take regular follow-ups and ask for their opinions as to what must be introduced to your online promotional endeavors to make their search easy.
Publish as much content as you can on your social page to enable the consumers to navigate through your brand in an easy way.
You can put your marketers at work by solving the queries of the consumers via DMs or meetings. Engage them in your business activities on LinkedIn as much as possible so that when they reach your booth at the trade show event, they exactly know the complete background of your brand.
Because the Most Transaction-oriented Audience is Found on LinkedIn
After the conventional marketing strategy that involves the methods of cold calling and exchanging e-mails with your prospective clients, social media platform is the next big thing that has come on the surface and ever increasing since the past decade.
Usage of social media marketing is not only beneficial for lead generation but also to strengthen your bond with the existing customers.
There is something called reminding the customers time and again with your brand image on a continuous basis and social media sites refresh the memories of your business leads recurringly.
However, it is also important here that the leads must change into business alliances and you need to be sure about the best social media option to promote your brand image.
It is unquestionably LinkedIn that proves to be highly beneficial for building your business prospects as it is in capacity of your audience to engage with you in a transaction-based relation.
Business networking is what is the core purpose of the followers on LinkedIn. You will mostly notice the audience to be business oriented as compared to Facebook and Twitter, where the audience primarily visits to share their opinions and perform a sort of window shopping.
On Facebook, the connections are more on the personal level rather than business-specific and even if they do promote their business offerings, nature is restrictive in terms of finance and availability.
B2B marketers prefer to stay connected over LinkedIn than Facebook and Twitter for they are really excited to know what you have for their brands.
Overall, in comparison to LinkedIn, other social media platforms are less business-focused. These can be navigated to search for the credibility of the concerned business associates, but what really result in active transactions is the practical usage of LinkedIn for active lead generation and to initiate business.
By following all these steps that involve active use of LinkedIn, you are sure to create a substantial number of trade show attendees that would become sure shot audience to your booth, that creates the best opportunities of achieving best returns on your investment with your trade show participation.