6 Unique Ways to Make Your Booth A Center of Attraction
It’s fair to say that the more eye catching your tradeshow booth is, the better chance of it attracting the crowd on the day of the event. Exhibitors have learned the value of using available funding wisely so that their booth woos visitors through technological innovations. The best way to do this is to blend in the storyline of the brand along with the theme of the tradeshow booth.
To find out how to do this for your display, and to get some creative trade show booth ideas, let’s take a look at how other exhibitors have designed their stall for the maximum wow factor.
Using Brand Colors in the Most Effective Way to Promote Your Theme
VMWare at VMWorld 2024, incorporated a smart blend of their brand colors in modular trade show booth rental exhibits to get all eyes on their display. Plexiglass towers were used to create the impression of how huge the brand was, and there was a snaking arrangement of workstations so that users could move through the display more easily.
Have a Logo Associated With Your Brand? Highlight It on the Display
At the 2012 Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses, Belimed had just a 30×30 but were able to make a really smart display that was visually appealing. Since the Belimed logo was that of a start up dial, branded tiles that lit up one after the other were used to highlight it.
Promoting a New Technology? Use It to Power Your Booth
InfoComm 2024 sees a lot of intelligent displays, and one of the best ones was that of DFI Tech. This display had a central tower comprising 18 screens that were synchronized with each other and powered by DFI’s own media engine. Since this product was also being sold at the show, it gave visitors a chance to see it in action so that they were more inclined to purchase it on the spot.
Make Use of All Available Space to Captivate Your Audience
If you have a large booth, it’s wise to invest in making it feel as wholesome as possible. At the PGA Merchandise Show, TaylorMade-Adidas Golf had a 25,000 square foot booth that felt more like a golf village. Visitors could walk through a lit up tunnel to enter the main display, which had driving ranges, product displays and even a mini theater.
Use Large Screens to Really Catch People’s Eye
A brand as iconic as Polaroid had to figure out a way to pull in their audience while maintaining their theme. They did this at CES 2024 using ribbon screen projections and jumbo screens that streamed various polaroid photo images. These were framed with the iconic Polaroid border, all hanging over a comfortable lounge area where visitors could sit back and drink it all in.
Make Your Booth the Most Socially Friendly One There
At the 2012 National Automobile Dealers Association, dealer.com had a display that made visitors feel like they were at a social affair. Visitors were welcomed at a reception space, then were shown into a comfy lounge that was equipped with a DJ booth and a bar. There were also conference rooms along with demo stations for products once visitors were in the right mood to do business.