20 Ways to Get Results on the Last Day of the Trade Show


Some shows have the last day that brings a flood of visitors, but for many others the last day is about reduced traffic, a limited show schedule and a staff that’s itching to get out of town.

Don’t give in to last-day doldrums. Here’s 20 ways to get results on the last day of your trade show.

1. Stay open: Closing early signals prospects still on the show floor that you aren’t serious.

2. Stay Staffed: A half-empty trade show booth tells last-day attendees that they aren’t that important.

3. Keep your A-team:  You brought your top people to man your booth – don’t lose that competitive edge in the exhibition’s final hours.

4. Stay supplied: If giveaways are part of your show promotion, don’t disappoint last-day visitors.

5. Keep presenting: Schedule live presentations and demos to the bitter end. You’ll catch prospects that might have missed attending in previous days.

6. Start selling: Invite back prospects who were qualified earlier in the show for more extended conversations.

7. Validate leads: Review the leads collected during the show and clear up any contact information that’s unclear or incomplete.

8. Tweet it: Send last-day tweets about the show that position your company for product and industry leadership.

9. Blog it: Beat your competition and post your final show blog with pictures and video.

10. Promote it: Fire off a widely distributed press release that publicizes your show narrative.

11. Visit competitors: Stay on top of what the other guys are doing.

12. Host competitors: Get your competitors to open up by inviting them back to your booth for a reciprocal visit.

13. Host suppliers: Hold off any conference booth meetings with your suppliers until the last day.

14. Walk it: Assign a specialist to walk the show and report on the best custom trade show booths, displays, videos, presentations, demonstrations and giveaways.

15. Learn from the best: Find the best, most well-attended exhibition stand in the show and talk to them about how they made it happen.

16. Learn from the worst: Find the biggest booth with the least number of visitors and chat them up about their trade show planning.

17. Assess your show narrative: You went into the show with a message. Ask your booth staff if they think it resonated with visitors and show-goers.

18. Assess your training: Did your booth staff feel that their product and trade show training was worthwhile?

19. Assess your trade show booth design: Were digital displays clearly visible? Did traffic flow through the booth as planned? Which custom displays and graphics got all the attention? Which were ignored?

20. Plan: Get information and a better booth location for the following year’s show.

Follow these tips and you’ll be smarter about your industry, have a list of ways to make next year’s show even better, and be ready for that last-minute visit by a major new prospect.

The first day of the show or last, you need a trade show and exhibition services partner that brings new ideas, experience and know-how.

For over thirty years Exponents has been a global leader in trade show booth design, fabrication, rental, logistics and on-site support. In thirteen countries and with over 18,000 clients, Exponents delivers creative, cost-effective solutions to your most challenging trade show and exhibition needs.