11 Smart Strategies to Upgrade Your Las Vegas Trade Show Booth
The summer season is underway in Las Vegas, and the news is that the trade show season in the city is inviting the interest of brand exhibitors and visitors alike like never before.
If your marketing team has plans in place to participate in Las Vegas trade shows, they have likely handpicked events that hold promise to enable them to achieve their marketing goals. However, given the highly competitive landscape of trade shows that Las Vegas offers and the investments of outlay, resources, and efforts, it makes enormous good sense to reach the event with a plan, prepare well and execute the plan to scale success.
Here, we take you through some tips for your marketing team to add dimension to your trade show performance in Las Vegas.
1.Invest in Pre- Event Marketing to Ensure Traffic
Get off your trade show participation to a flier. Plan and design a dedicated marketing campaign to make sure those communities of corporate executives, senior managers, distributors, retailers, and end users that form the target audience of your brand attend the trade show.
Expand your outreach and engage with the critical stakeholder groups well in advance. Lean on digital marketing to inform and remind people of your presence at the Las Vegas trade shows and deploy a team to convince visitors of the value of seeing you at the trade show center on the said date and time.
2. Attract the Attention of Visitors in the Shortest Window of Time
Remember that a Las Vegas trade show is about the early bird catching the worm. All brand exhibitors are going to put up their trade show rental booths, and most of them are going to compete for attention. The brand exhibitor that can attract the attention of visitors in the shortest window of time shall stand the highest chances of building traffic.
Deploy smart trade show exhibits in Las Vegas that resonate with the local business culture and are high on energy, visibility, and credibility. Opt for unique designs for your trade show exhibits in Las Vegas and check these for parameters of visibility, clarity of brand purpose, and lucidity.
3. Look to Deliver Value through Your Brand Communication
What is the first thing that visitors at Las Vegas trade shows shall notice about your brand? It is the alignment across all elements of the physical environment that you create at the trade show.
Be it your trade show rental booth, your furniture, the lighting equipment deployed inside the booth, the dress code of your booth staff and the brand graphics should all speak the same language, i.e., spell out your brand value proposition in crystal clear terms.
4. Identify and Address Challenges that are Central to the Industry Vertical
What are the most critical challenges facing your target audience? What solution can your brand offer to them? It is likely that the trade shows that your marketing team shall be participating in, shall represent at least one industry vertical or professional community.
Get your sales team, branding team, and the trade show exhibition team to brainstorm together on the biggest challenges facing the industry vertical that forms your target customer profile. Remember that Las Vegas has a history of empathizing with customer requirements. Look to sell solutions at the Las Vegas trade show, not products or services.
5. Focus on Visitor Engagement
Once your trade show marketing team is there at the trade show, it is essential they engage with the visitors. The key to visitor engagement lies in leveraging the soft skills that people in your trade show marketing team have. Look to go the extra mile.
Deploy trade show exhibits in Las Vegas that are designed intelligently for a higher economy of space and efficient management of the traffic inside your booth. For example, engage with your booth rentals partner and ask for dedicated compartments inside the rental booth to pay personal attention to general trade inquiries, prospects, leads, and onsite buyers.
Ask for a front desk to welcome visitors, a discussion area to hold sprint meetings, a demonstration area to run videos and presentations, and a forum area to conduct interactive activities onsite.
6. Go Interactive with Your Content at Las Vegas Trade Shows
Deploy unique immersive technology platforms to engage with visitors and add dimension to your storytelling approach. If you have the budget to invest in artificial intelligence, robotics, or gaming technology, use these platforms to collect high-quality data through onsite interactions with visitors and generate qualified leads.
Even if you are operating with a modest budget, opt for interactive content types like quizzes, responsive tests, and PowerPoint presentations that allow visitors to participate in the conversations with your booth staff.
7. Make Advance Bookings for Flight and Cab Rentals
If you are a frequent participant at trade shows in Las Vegas, you know the value that you can create by booking your flight tickets and cab rentals in advance.
Doing so enables you to save big money on travel and local logistics. First, advance bookings of flights and cab rentals shield you from the risks of surge pricing. Second, you may bag early bird discounts and even avail of value-added services and complimentary meals and beverages.
8. Carry Reusable Water Bottles to Save Costs
Remember that Las Vegas has a typically warm and arid climate throughout the year. If you are looking to participate in trade shows in the summer season, do not forget to carry reusable water bottles.
Your marketing team can save costs otherwise incurred on the purchases of extra bottles of water and beverages. Prima facie, savings generated on drinks and drinking water during a tour of 3 to 4 days may appear to be insignificant.
However, because beverage expenses during summer in Las Vegas may constitute 3-5% of the daily expenses, it makes sense to look for avenues to cut costs.
9. Keep a Tab on the Las Vegas Traffic in Real Time
Las Vegas is known for its busy streets and traffic jams. You would be lucky to be able to elude the grid lock on the busy Main Street that runs through the heart of the city. Make sure that you download a mobile app to get the latest updates on the traffic conditions in the city and choose your mode of local logistics and routes to commute to the trade show center accordingly.
Doing so shall not only save you precious time and enable you to be at the trade show center without breaking a sweat, but also allow you to save money on last-minute cab rentals that usually cost 10-12% more than advance bookings.
10. Share Your Booth Location with Visitors
Make sure that you share your booth location with visitors at the Las Vegas trade show. It makes good sense to keep one member from the booth staff on standby to engage with visitors needing help to navigate to your rental booth.
If possible, share your location on an instant messaging platform and stay connected with visitors to provide concierge support from nearby spots in the trade show center premises.
11. Send a Custom Thank You Note to Visitors
Do not forget to express gratitude to the visitors that make the effort of dropping by your booth at the Las Vegas trade show. Send a custom thanksgiving note to each of the visitors. If possible, make it a point to share memorabilia like photographs, branded accessories, and evidence of how their presence and interactions have added value to the industry and can enable your brand to serve them better.
On a closing note, it makes sense to plan early and prepare well for trade shows in Las Vegas to achieve the objectives on your agenda. Local know-how always helps, and it is advisable that you use the opportunity to add one fresh face to the trade show marketing team to make sure that you have the required institutional knowledge, acclimatization and memory to scale success at forthcoming trade shows in Las Vegas.