Working with brands that are harbingers of innovation is our greatest delight. One industry that is sure to churn out innovation on a constant basis is the computer tech industry. Flexxible is a company that has chosen to be among the distinct classes of brands committed to innovative technology. Flexxible creates virtual desktops to aid companies in improving the efficiency of their cloud storage system and accessibility.

The Challenges
Flexxible needed a booth that would be perfect for the Citrix Anaheim Conference. The conference featured the think tanks in the world of cloud computing and development. Flexxible needed a booth that would do justice to the efficacy of its brand and would portray it as a solution provider.

Our Solution
On getting grasp of what Flexxible really wanted, the team at Exponents suggested a rental solution that would do justice to their goal without straining their budget. The team worked at this for hours on end and chose a befitting 30 x 30 rental booth. Our team redesigned the rental booth to fit in perfectly with the narrative at Flexxible. The booth we created ensured that there was enough room for presentations and the graphics were quite neat. The brand logo stood out on every communication wall for that lasting impact.

The Results
The booth did justice to the brief and rightly showcased Flexxible’s business to the world. It witnessed a lot of footfalls and genuinely interested customers who waited to be attended by the staff. In all, it was a winning solution!